What is a color run?

It is a non-competitive event that emphasizes community, happiness, health, and FUN! Runners are showered head to toe with safe & non-toxic, colored powder along the course. Everyone starts off with their  Mustang Color Run tee, and finishes as a colorful work of art! After you run you can enjoy refreshments from Pepsi- Co, Southwest Airlines, and Sprouts! 


Objective: To foster school pride by bringing our students, teachers, parents, and community together with a sense of unity and shared purpose.


Kick-off: Pep rally to kick off fundraising on Friday, Sept. 20th, 2024.


Run Date: Friday, October 4, 2024, afternoon. A two-hour event, with staggered run starts. 

Rain date: Friday, Oct. 11,2024.


Location: Wyndsor Park, behind Miller Elementary.



Coordinators: Ashley Carrero & Christine Miller

We are seeking at least 20 volunteers for color stations, set-up, clean up, and dance party hype men/women! Many parents have already jumped on board the color run committee! Are you ready to jump in and help? If so, reach out to Ashley today, Carreroa77@gmail.com